Weah: It now takes 5 days to register a business in Liberia

In Tel Aviv: President Weah talks about investment opportunities in Liberia
Liberian President George Weah has revealed that the time to register a business in Liberia has now been reduced from 18 to 5 days.
He said this was due to the work of a Business Climate Improvement Working Group, chaired by the country’s finance minister.
Speaking Tuesday in Tel Aviv, Israel at the Israel-Liberia Forum for Economic Cooperation and Sustainable Development, President Weah said the group has since been identifying and tackling prohibitive bottlenecks that had been stifling the business and investment environment, leading to a more seamless process of investing in Liberia.
He also noted that as a result of critical reforms at the National Investment Commission (NIC), potential investors now have a one-stop-shop and a transparent list of regulatory requirements to establish their businesses in Liberia.
President Weah told the gathering that “Our investment incentive regime has also been reformed, enabling investors who qualify under our liberal system to benefit from significant fiscal reliefs.”
President Weah said Liberia is a land of endless opportunities for investment in a diversity of sectors: agriculture, mining, tourism and hospitality, technology, manufacturing, banking and finance.
He commended the forum organizers, the Africa-Israel Chamber of Commerce and the Government of Israel, for such an “all-important investment forum” that was held at the Shimon Peres Center for Peace and Innovation.
Source: emansion.gov.lr