Swedish Foreign Minister’s message to OIC

Photo: Ninni Andersson/Governments offices
Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are holding a foreign ministers meeting this afternoon to discuss, among other things, the recent demonstrations in Sweden and Denmark. I do not wish to speculate about the outcome of this meeting.
In recent days, I have initiated talks with many foreign ministers of the OIC’s 57 Member States. Last Thursday, I spoke directly to the Secretary General of the OIC. On Friday, I sent a letter to the foreign ministers of all OIC Member States.
During these talks and in my letter, I explained how Sweden’s freedom of demonstration works, and that the Swedish Police Authority makes independent decisions regarding applications for public gatherings. I also repeated that the Swedish Government has been very clear in its rejection of the Islamophobic acts carried out by individuals at demonstrations in Sweden.
I also explained that the Ministry of Justice is analysing the legal situation, including the Public Order Act, after the Administrative Court of Appeal’s judgment became final and non-appealable.
We see great value in continued dialogue with OIC Member States.