Sweden to survey sexual, reproductive health

Gabriel Wikström, Sweden's Minister for Health Care, Public Health and Sport photo: sverigesradio.se

Gabriel Wikström, Sweden’s Minister for Health Care, Public Health and Sport
photo: sverigesradio.se

The Swedish Government has commissioned the country’s Public Health Agency to carry out a population-based national survey study on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The purpose of the study is to improve the effectiveness of public health efforts in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The focus of the population study is on sexual and reproductive health and rights as a health determinant from public health, social and gender equality perspectives. Age, impairments and a child rights perspective are also to be taken into account.

The population study is also expected to shed light on the incidence of sexual and other violence and its implications for sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Studies of certain specific groups have previously been carried out, but there is no comprehensive study of the entire population that takes into account the specific needs of different groups in the same study, for example in relation to discrimination grounds. To enable comparisons over time, survey questions from previously conducted studies in the area are to be used to the extent deemed appropriate. In this context, it should be noted that new technologies, new knowledge and new perspectives have created the need to examine new issues.

The study should also map out fundamental differences and developments in sexual and reproductive health and highlight the areas and groups requiring targeted health promotion activities. This data is essential to remedy the health disparities between different groups.

Swedish Government