Sweden adopts development strategy for Africa

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven
Sweden has adopted a development cooperation strategy with sub-Sahara Africa that is intended to contribute to increased regional integration and strengthen capacity to face cross-border challenges and opportunities at regional level.
According to a release issue by the Swedish Government, the strategy will apply for a period of six years (2016–2021) and comprises a total of 2.7 billion Swedish krona, which is about $320m.
A better environment, sustainable use of natural resources, reduced climate impact and strengthened resilience to environmental impact, climate change and natural disasters
• Strengthened capacity of regional actors to work towards sustainable management and use of common ecosystem services and natural resources
• Strengthened capacity of regional actors to work towards increased resilience against climate change and natural disasters, including capacity for food security
• Increased production of, and access to, renewable energy
Strengthened democracy and gender equality and greater respect for human rights
• Enhanced capacity of regional actors to work towards strengthened democracy and the rule of law, gender equality and increased respect for human rights, with a focus on the rights of women and children
• Enhanced capacity of civil society and media to work towards accountability and respect for human rights at regional level
Better opportunities and tools to enable poor and vulnerable people to improve their living conditions
• Strengthened opportunities for increased economic integration and trade
• Improved conditions, especially for women and young people, for productive employment with decent working conditions
• Strengthened capacityof regional actors to work towards sustainable solutions concerning refugee situations and migration flows, and embrace the positive effects of migration
Human security and freedom from violence
• Strengthened capacity of regional actors for peace and reconciliation
• Strengthened capacity of regional actors to combat violent extremism
• Increased influence and participation by women and young people in processes for peace and reconciliation
Within the framework of the strategy, the FBA is expected to contribute to:
• Strengthened capacity for regional actors to prevent, resolve and deal with the effects of armed conflict
• Strengthened capacity for regional actors to implement the UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security