Over 50 entries for African enterpreneurship award

AFIF 2015 Entrepreneurship Award winner – Lazaro Mwakipesile (left), head of Raphael Group of Tanzania
More than 50 projects from 13 African countries were submitted as entries for the African Finance and Investment (AFIF) Entrepreneurship award with the winner to be announced in February.
EMRC and Rabobank, which are the organizers and sponsors of the award, are evaluating the projects and will announce the top four and five this week, Ines Marques, senior project manager at EMRC told Nordic Africa News recently.
” The selected entrepreneurs will be invited to present their projects in front of the AFIF Audience, taking place between the 13/16 February in Nairobi at the Strathmore University. The winner will receive a cash prize from the Rabobank Foundation,” Ines said.
About EMRC:
Established in 1992 in Brussels, EMRC (www.EMRC.be) is a non-governmental organization composed of a network of entrepreneurs, financiers, consultants and officials based throughout the world. EMRC’s mission is to lead the private sector in Africa to sustainable economic development and to drive regional change via partnerships. About the Entrepreneurship Award:
EMRC launched the first Awards ( www.EMRC.be/highlight/awards) in 2008 at the FAO Rome, with the objective of encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa amongst forum participants. The EMRC Awards (Project Incubator Award and AFIF Entrepreneurship Award) are presented at EMRC two main business forums: Agribusiness & the Africa Finance & Investment Forum. A call is sent out for entrepreneurs to put forward their project proposals. Finalists present their business projects during the forum’s plenary session and the winning project is announced at the gala/ networking event. About AFIF:
The Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF) is
Established in 1992 in Brussels, EMRC (www.EMRC.be) is a non-governmental organization composed of a network of entrepreneurs, financiers, consultants and officials based throughout the world. EMRC’s mission is to lead the private sector in Africa to sustainable economic development and to drive regional change via partnerships. About the Entrepreneurship Award:
EMRC launched the first Awards ( www.EMRC.be/highlight/awards) in 2008 at the FAO Rome, with the objective of encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa amongst forum participants. The EMRC Awards (Project Incubator Award and AFIF Entrepreneurship Award) are presented at EMRC two main business forums: Agribusiness & the Africa Finance & Investment Forum. A call is sent out for entrepreneurs to put forward their project proposals. Finalists present their business projects during the forum’s plenary session and the winning project is announced at the gala/ networking event. About AFIF:
The Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF) is
an annual business event organized in the framework of EMRC International’s activities, aimed at strengthening the private sector in Africa, encouraging entrepreneurship and attracting investment to the African continent. AFIF has a double objective: to strengthen the financial capacities of Africa’s private sector and to promote the creation of new partnerships through the encouragement of joint projects and trade relations North-South & South-South.