Liberia’s independence day to be celebrated in Europe

Liberians living in Europe have lined up a number of activities to celebrate the 174th independence anniversary of their country.
The West African nation declared independence on July 26, 1847.
The European Federation of Liberian Associations (EFLA), the umbrella entity of Liberian organizations on the continent, will hold programs on Friday and Saturday, July 30 and 31 in Antwerp, Belgium.
The activities begin with EFLA’s Annual General Assembly and the election of a new set of leaders. There will be an EFLA Park Party on Saturday.
In Sweden, the Liberian Swedish Association (LSA) plans its celebrations this Friday and Saturday.
Festivities begin on Friday with a ‘meet and great,’ music and dance in the Stockholm suburb of Norsborg.
The celebrations continue the next day with a barbecue, music, dance, games, among others at Varby Gård Strand in the Swedish capital.
Liberians in Holland will stage a reunification barbecue on Saturday in Bijmepark in Amsterdam.
The Union of Liberian Organizations in the United Kingdom (ULOUK) will host programs on Saturday and Sunday, July 31 and August 1 in Northampton.
Activities scheduled include sports and outdoor programs and a grand ball on Saturday, with a live performance by Akarpee. An interfaith fellowship and cookout will be held on Sunday.
The Liberian community in Switzerland will stage its independence show in Lusanne on Saturday, July 24.