Liberia: Weah launches major development program

Liberian President Dr. George Manneh Weah on Monday officially launched a new community development initiative aimed at bringing development and growth to rural and urban poor.
The Accelerated Community Development Program (ACDP) will be implemented as a partnership between the Government of Liberia, the United Nations, the World Bank, and other development partners
President Weah launched the program at UN House in Monrovia, Liberia’s capital, during ceremonies marking United Nations Day and described the effort as a Special Flagship Program under the Office of the President that will be of benefit to all Liberians.
President Weah was however quick to dispel possible insinuations about the timing of the initiative.
“I know that this initiative is coming a year before the Presidential and General Elections, and that there are some who will say this is a political project to win votes,” he said. “Let me make it clear. This is not the case.”
The president noted that work on the program began several years ago, including feasibility study which was done in 2019 by Price Waterhouse Coopers.
Also in that same year, he said a number of high-level Liberian government officials were sent to Senegal to observe and study a similar program known as PUDC.

“Since I spoke to you last year to kick off this program, we have been putting all the elements in place and mobilizing the financing to ensure that when we start,” he said, adding, “We have the resources needed to continue.”
President Weah disclosed that the UNDP will serve as the implementing partner for the program because of its strong experience and knowhow in rapidly implementing similar programs in countries such as Senegal, Togo, Gambia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
According to President Weah, the ACDP will be operated under the direction of a National Steering Committee he will chair, and will comprise various government ministries and agencies, civil society organizations, and Liberia’s international partners.
The Liberian Chief Executive further indicated that the program would be implemented in a manner that is transparent and that has the full ownership and involvement of the respective communities.
At the end of the day, he said, “I want the ACDP to produce real concrete and tangible improvements in the lives of our Liberian citizens. I would like the ACDP to be one of the largest investments in community development that this country has ever made.”
Considering the importance of the program, President Weah announced that he requested Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning Samuel Tweah to work with the UNDP, World Bank, African Development Bank, IMF, and the rest of the International Partner Community to conclude financing of approximately US$100m for the first phase of the program, which is to be implemented over the period 2022-2025.
The president also directed all ministries and agencies to collaborate in the implementation of the program and channel any support necessary.

President Weah declared that he aims to transition the program into a permanent national community development mechanism, which will be open to direct applications from communities for support.
“For all our partners here, I do wish to invite you to collaborate with us on this initiative. As you should realize, we are putting in place the building blocks for sustained long term development,” the President stressed.
According to him, the Liberian government is solving the critical constraints of infrastructure and connectivity by improving our road networks.
“We are solving the problem of energy and electricity, which is key for private sector investments. We are improving governance and tackling accountability,” President Weah emphasized.
“It is important government ensures that ordinary Liberians can see real improvements in their lives with these critical investment interventions.”
He emphasized the need for farmers to bring their goods to markets, and that men, women and children in every village can have access to water and solar-powered electricity, while the very poor can have the dignity of a proper sanitation facility
President Weah said he remains firmly committed to promises he made when he took office in 2018.
Liberian Government