Recurrent expenditure tops Liberia’s $785m 2022 budget

By Seltue Karweaye Sr. The importance of sensible and prudent budgetary allocations cannot be overemphasized as the budget itself is an expression of public policy. It is the major economic policy instrument that indicates a government’s priority and is also a tool to correct anomalies and inequities within the society. An efficient budgetary system is […]

William Nah: unknown fate of a brilliant Liberian keeper

By Benedict Nyankun Wisseh As if we are programmed, when conversations about football take place, our focus is placed on players who score goals for our teams. In this case, we celebrate forwards and midfielders, whose responsibility it is to score goals and ignore defenders and goalkeepers except for their mistakes that lead to the […]

The birth defects of Liberia’s opposition collaboration

By Abdoulaye Dukule Every living organ contains the germs of its own destruction. Liberia’s Collaboration of Political Party (CPP) is no exception, with the difference that it may have more than one such germs. The greatest impediment faced by CPP was the mistrust that characterized the relationship between the leaders of the parties. That mistrust […]

Liberia: Plenty for the few, hunger for the majority

By Seltue Karweaye A good proportion of young people today were taught from primary school that agriculture is the mainstay of the Liberian economy. Agricultural Science as a subject is part of our educational curriculum and therefore taught at all levels of education. Despite the constant emphasis on agriculture as a core aspect of the […]

Guinea: Prevention is better than cure

By Togba-Nah Tipoteh The military takeover in Guinea is most relevant for telling us that we should have done better to prevent violence, including coup d’etats and civil wars. Where were we when the “powers that be” changed the Constitutions of Burkina Faso and Guinea to allow for a third presidential term of office? There […]

Understanding the budgeting process in Liberia

By Seltue Karweaye Liberia’s attention has once again been captured by controversy over the budget formulation and implementation after an interview conducted by President George Weah in Kakata, Margibi County on August 16. During the interview, a journalist asked the President about the Liberia National Fire Service complaining about the agency low budgetary allotment. The […]

Liberia: President Weah, it’s half-time

By Seltue Karweaye The recent appearance of Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning Samuel Tweah at The Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinion (CEIO) on August 11, 2021 where he defended the Weah government’s fiscal policies as well as the  Pro–Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) has prompted me to write this article. At […]

Unclear tax systems create accountability vacuum

By Johan Sävström States tax their citizens in order to raise revenue, which is then used to finance public services such as health, education, security and infrastructure. Thus, tax revenue and public spending provide a means of redistributing income and investing in the population. In effect, the system constitutes an unwritten agreement between a state […]

Trust deficit: The case of Senator Darius Dillion

By Seltue Karweaye Trust is the glue that binds people together. Public trust entails demonstrating transparency, accountability, and competence. However, in Liberia, society’s confidence in transparency, accountability, fairness has plummeted. In short, there is a growing trust deficit between public officials in Liberia and many of the citizens.  We cannot trust public officials to always say […]

African human rights vs.Western human rights

By Thomas C. Mountain If you ask those of us living in Africa, almost all of us willtell you that the “human rights” that matter most are those that are basic to the right to life: food, water, shelter, medical care and education for our children. If you and your family are cold, hungry, sick […]