Africa: Call to apply to Youth Adaptation Challenge

The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) have launched a call for applications for the first edition of the African Youth Adaptation Solutions (YouthAdapt) Challenge. The call encourages young entrepreneurs, innovators from micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and other youth-led and youth-owned enterprises in Africa, to implement solutions for […]
Tunga holds development session

Dutch-Afro tech company Tunga, based in Uganda, Nigeria and Holland, will organise a DEV hour on Thursday, September 16, featuring software engineer Abisoye Falabi, meant to inform and inspire recent and future Tunga developers. Falabi, who is the senior product manager at TradeDeport, is not your ordinary techie. A self-taught software engineer, a white hacker, Abisoye wears […]