Sweden reintroduces border controls

The Swedish government has decided to reintroduce controls at Sweden’s internal borders. Border controls will be imposed between November 12 until May 11 next year. Border controls will contribute to national security and help detect threats from potential perpetrators and prevent terrorist attacks. The government assesses that other measures are insufficient against the background of, among other […]
Foreign investment vital to Africa’s economic growth

By NJ Ayuk Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, not all of the economic news in Africa has been negative. We continue to see promising developments. Look at Uganda’s oil and gas industry. Following multiple petroleum discoveries in Uganda’s Albertine Graben, foreign investments there have reached nearly $20 billion. The resulting projects include a refinery being built […]
A Liberian school that really needs help

Gbanquelleh Town is a settlement in Bong County in central Liberia. It has a huge problem. And is begging for help. With more than 400 residents, Gbanquelleh has a school, if it can really be called that, with 78 students and just one teacher. The school also serves pupils from five neighboring towns in the […]
Banding together is only way Africa will beat COVID-19

By Dr. John Nkengasong and African Union Commissioner Amira Elfadil Mohammed Elfadil) Everyone knows by now that due to a combination of leadership, environment, social ecology, demographics and as yet unknown biological and other factors, Africa has been spared the worst of the havoc that COVID-19 has wreaked on other parts of the globe and […]