Ambassador Allen presents credentials to UNESCO

Liberia’s Ambassador to France Dr. C. William Allen has presented his credentials to the director general of UNESCO accrediting him as Liberia’s ambassador and permanent delegate to that body. Director General Irina Bokova welcomed Dr. Allen to UNESCO and expressed her concern about the dire Ebola situation Liberia is confronting. Mrs Bokova committed herself to the […]
Löfven elected Sweden’s new prime minister

Stefan Löfven, the leader of the Social Democrats, was elected Sweden’s prime minister this afternoon in the Swedish Parliament, with support of his coalition partner, the Green Party. The four parties of the Alliance: the conservative Moderates, the Christian Democrats, the Liberals and the Center party, who had formed the previous center-right government, abstained from […]
Hard times for UK asylum seekers

Last month, a quiet announcement from UK Home Secretary Theresa May dashed the hopes of thousands of asylum seekers in the UK. A court ruling in April had criticized the very low level of support it gives to those seeking asylum and had given her four months to show how she had calculated that it […]