State lawyer predicts war

Cllr. Theophilous Gould, one of the state lawyers, has predicted war if a trial jury in Monrovia, the Liberian capital, acquits 18 Liberians charged with carrying out subversive activities in neighboring Ivory Coast. “If you fail to convict the defendants because you feel they are Liberian then Cote d’Ivoire will revenge against Liberia by bringing war”, he […]
Gee Man to release “Cherry Coco” album

A Liberian recording artist, George Garsua Sikpa, also known as the “Gee Mann” will on Saturday, May 31, 2014 launch his latest CD album “Cherry Coco” in Northeast Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA. According to Gee Mann, some of Liberia’s finest musicians will perform at the program. The artists include Zaye Tete, Friday, the cell phone […]
UNMIL drawdown to cost Liberia $50m

Liberia’s Finance Minister Amara Konneh last week revealed that it would cost the government of Liberia US$50 million to fill in all necessary gaps when UNMIL drawdown is completed. “While our service sector has been another driving force of economic growth, it is expected to take a hit as the United Nations Mission in Liberia(UNMIL)draws down […]
How Prof. Alaric Tokpa protected his family

Brooklyn Park, MN- In much of Liberia’s troubled history of dictatorial and military rule, many people never got to know the pains relatives of students’ politicians went through whenever their loved ones were imprisoned by the government. But for the first time last Saturday, during a gathering of Liberian and American guests, a Liberian lady […]
Female ‘armed robber’ resists going to jail

Drama erupted at the Monrovia City Court in Liberia recently when a suspected female armed robber resisted her imprisonment at the Monrovia Central Prison.Dekontee Morris and two others female were charged with armed robbery, an allegation they denied. Defendant Dekontee said she refused to go jail on the grounds that she was falsely accused by a relative of the […]
Sweden talks about Roma abuses

Today, I present the White Paper initiated by the Government on abuses and rights violations of Roma in the 20th century. The White Paper is based on interviews with Roma and Travellers, on archive material and research studies. It provides a description of a dark period in Sweden’s history that is more complete […]
Malaysian couple sentenced to prison

A Swedish court has sentenced a Malaysian couple to prison for “gross violation of their children’s integrity”. The prosecutor said the parents physically abused their children using sticks, belts and clothes hangers. The abuse happened between 2010 and 2013. A court statement said: “The mother is convicted of gross violation of the integrity of the daughter […]
Ivory Coast: Impartial justice for all

The United Nations Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Cote d’Ivoire, Doudou Diène, expressed concern over unresolved issues in the national reconciliation process of the West African country, ahead of presidential elections in 2015. The key, he stressed, lies in applying “impartial justice for all” in a country still recovering […]
Curbing West Africa’s Ebola outbreak

As health authorities and aid groups work to contain the spread of Ebola in Guinea which has killed 59 people and infected scores of others since January, suspected cases have emerged in neighbouring Liberia, prompting calls for a regional response. Haemorrhagic fever symptoms first appeared in Guinea’s southern forested region. Eighty-six people have so […]
Oil, family ties and corruption

Since 1990 the petroleum industry has invested more than $20 billion in exploration and production activity in Africa. A further $50 billion will be spent between now and the end of the decade, the largest investment in the continent’s history. But most Africans in these countries where oil are being produced are seeing little […]