YEP Trains Youths In Liberia
Forty-three youths residing in Grand Gedeh County have undergone training in income generation skills under the Youth Employment Program (YEP) of the Liberian Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Drawn from the various district in the county, the youths trained in tailoring, soap-making and other skills with support from UNICEF. Fifteen of the trainees were females. They have returned to their respective districts to begin work with kits provided them at the end of the training.
Youth and Sports Ministry Coordinator for Grand Gedeh County, Anthony Wulue, admonished the trainees to take their training as a life transforming opportunity.
On the sanitation aspect of YEP, Wulue disclosed that the Zwedru City Corporation (ZCC) is the implementing partner for the Youth Ministry , while his office monitors the process.
He told the Liberia News Agency that the ZCC has begun payment of LYEP workers for the month of December.