Swedish Migration Agency to set up ‘return centers’

The Swedish Government has tasked the Swedish Migration Agency with setting up return centers to house rejected asylum seekers.
In these centers, the agency will actively work to motivate the people there to return voluntarily, and will provide advice, guidance and practical support.
“Increasing the number of returns is a very important priority for the Government. Setting up return centres is one of several measures to ensure that people who have been issued with a refusal-of-entry or expulsion order actually leave the country,” says Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard.
In June 2022, the Swedish Migration Agency was tasked with producing a report on how return centers could be established.
The agency presented its report in January and the government has now chosen to proceed with the proposal to set up return centers.
“There are many advantages associated with people issued with a refusal-of-entry or expulsion order staying in return centres. It makes it clear that the asylum process has come to an end and that return should be the main focus. It will also make the Agency’s work easier,” says Stenergard.
The Swedish Migration Agency will begin work immediately. It is required to regularly report to the government on progress made and to submit a progress report by December 1.
Swedish Government