Sweden positive to EU long-term climate strategy

Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate Isabella Lövin
Photo: government.se
The European Commission has presented it strategic long-term climate vision for the European Union (EU). Sweden takes a positive view of the level of ambition in the strategy, with its aim of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
The proposed EU strategic long-term climate vision contains scenarios showing how different sectors of society can contribute to achieving EU climate targets.
The commission strategy states that the EU should have net-zero atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The strategy is in line with the high level of ambition that Sweden has lobbied for.
“It is an important and positive step that the Commission’s proposal clearly points to net-zero emissions by 2050, and also that it highlights the benefits to all of society offered by such a transition. The EU must lead the way in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and should do whatever is necessary to restrict global warming,” says Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate Isabella Lövin.
The Swedish Government will now analyse the Commission’s proposal. Negotiations with the other EU Member States will then begin in the Council of Ministers.
Under the Paris Agreement, the EU is expected to adopt a final version of the long-term climate strategy by 2020 and submit it to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat.
“The IPCC Special Report on 1.5 Degrees shows that the whole world needs to increase the level of ambition if we are to prevent the worst consequences of a warmer climate. The latest UNEP Emissions Gap Report reinforces the impression that this must be done urgently,” says Lövin.
By 2045, Sweden will have net zero emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and should thereafter achieve negative emissions. Sweden operates in accordance with the Paris Agreement on the rising aspirations of all countries’ climate efforts.
Swedish Government