We can do better for Liberia

By Alexander Redd
During many conversations with fellow compatriots concerning progress in our homeland, they usually paint a bleak picture. They see a country on path of steady decline – instead of gainful progress. They cite incompetent leadership across all functions of societal strata.
Common among the list of impediments they often express toward national development and growth include, but not limited to widespread corruption, dishonesty, mistrust, and lack of patriotism.
In many respects, these observations are concerning, and many citizens who live either in or out of the country might grapple with the notion of attainable progress.
The poignant question is whether these concerns can be genuinely solved with an attitude of apathy or with a compassionate heart of self-sacrifice and sense of patriotism.
My line of reasoning and encouragement is never to give up on Liberia. Why? Because history has shown that nations go through real transformation, change, and experience following depth of tumultuous uncertainty and destruction.
Over the years, I have befriended many talented Liberians who live abroad. They have great educational career skills but are inclined not to resettle in our homeland for variety of reasons. I have never underestimated their power and influence, and we should never either.
It is my prayer that God would measurably intervene to bring diverse skills of people together who fear Him for the purpose of genuine rebuilding of our country.
What could believers in Christ do for such intervention? We should never underestimate the power of prayer and the power of proclaiming His grace and mercy upon Liberia. Moreover, we should never underestimate the LORD.
My friends and fellow citizens, the turmoil, corruption, inequity, and distress we are experiencing in our nation today can be addressed.
Moreover, it can be reversed. We can be transformed. Will it take humbling ourselves before the LORD? Yes! Will it take concerted and united prayer? Yes! Will it take an awakening in the body of Christ? Yes! But all of these things are possible if we will return our hearts to God’s Word, and make His principles and precepts the basis for our lives, and when we seek both His face and the Holy Spirit on behalf of ourselves, our families, our churches, and our beloved Liberia.
God’s sovereignty is extremely immense and there’s nothing impossible that He cannot revive. And since our nation’s problem is deeply rooted in the spirit of professed leaders, it’s time to turn our nation to God.
We are His people who must rend our hearts in collective efforts to return to Him first, whom framers of the constitution proclaimed in the preamble for His gracious providence, guidance, and survival of our republic.
Our collective efforts should be conceived in our hearts with prayer and fasting before we can call for an awakening among organizational and localized leaders, which will give way to lasting transformation.
Now is the time to give Liberia a new birth through leaders who are wholeheartedly willing to gather together in solemn assembly. In hindsight based on the Scriptures, it was often a priest, prophet, or king that would call upon specific smaller leadership sphere before spreading to the entire nation. Hence, we can do so by harnessing the effort to bring together localized leaders in various communities to engage in conversations that might turn to God’s movement within their hearts.
When leaders and people meet who may not see each other often, or even know each other, such assembly can pave the way for a synergistic conversation and sacred purpose of restoring our relationship with God first.
The overarching goal for such solemn assembly will begin with repentance of sin and the passionate pursuit of the return of God’s presence in our midst. The Bible is historically replete with theme of the assembling of the saints and God’s subsequent restoration, for God has a heart for reconciliation (Ezekiel 18:30-31).