Raising funds to send medical supplies to Liberia

Two Liberian diaspora organizations have launched a go fund me campaign to raise $10,000 to purchase and transport medical supplies to help Liberia in its fight against the coronavirus.
So far, the West African nation has reported three cases of the virus.
US-based Women Innovative Global Services (WINGS) and the Liberia Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund (LEADER Fund) are trying to get “medical supplies, medication (BP meds, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.), and non-perishable foods (if we can find them on the shelves/warehouses) for shipment to Liberia ASAP!!”, a post by Vah Isaac Tukpah on Facebook noted.
“We already have 21 pallets of medical supplies and need to secure the other items for immediate shipment.”
Women Innovative Global Services (WINGS) was founded in 2011.
Its primary focus is dedicated to making an impact for women and children empowerment, while creating social awareness for various cultures, ethnicities and causes.
The group worked on several collaborations including Project Liberia Ebola (PLE), which was founded in 2014 due to the Ebola virus outbreak (EVD).
During the outbreak, PLE coordinated the collection, delivery and distribution of more than 4,000lbs of medical supplies to combat the EVD, with the help of partners in Liberia.
The LEADER FUND was established in August 2007 to assist Liberians who were primarily affected by disaster situations.
Over time, the LEADER FUND has evolved more into an organization focused on supporting and enhancing the development of Liberia, creating awareness of the environment, partnering with other development oriented organizations, but still maintaining an awareness of disaster and relief activities.
During the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Liberia, the LEADER FUND worked tirelessly to bring attention to what was going on.
The organization was very active with creating awareness, organizing donor groups, doing events, seeking and acquiring materials/medication supplies and PPEs for shipment to Liberia.
The LEADER FUND shipped the collected products to the Gbowee Foundation and to ActionAid for distribution