Liberia: Supreme Court lauded for upholding law

ALJA National President Moses D. Sandy
The Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas (ALJA) says it supports the Supreme Court of Liberia’s recent injunction which refrained the National Elections Commission (NEC) from conducting the run-off election on November 7.
The run-off election for the Liberian presidency had been scheduled between the Coalition for Democratic Change and the ruling Unity Party(UP). Both parties came first and second respectively in elections held on October 10.
It was put on hold due to a petition filed by the Liberty Party(LP) alleging irregularities and frauds in the conduct of last month’s general and presidential elections.
The prohibition was issued on November 6. It remains in place until the electoral irregularities and frauds claims filed by the party are urgently and expeditiously investigated and disposed of by the NEC
ALJA, whose national president is Moses D. Sandy, said the prohibition is plausible and it sets a good precedent for compliance with the rule of Law in Liberia.
The association, in a press release issued on Thursday, described the court’s ruling as a pivotal step taken in Liberia’s quest for the dispensation of justice to all Liberians regardless of social, tribal, racial, and political connections.
ALJA noted that the failure of the NEC to expeditiously probe the LP complaint before setting the date for the run-off election negated the party of its constitutional right to due process.
The association further noted the action had the propensity of causing an unnecessary electoral chaos in Liberia.
ALJA said Liberia is now at a critical juncture where it is endeavoring to transition political power from one democratically elected president to another.
The association said at such time, the need for every individual or group to be given the right to due process in the dispensation of justice cannot be overstated.
ALJA said there can be no peace or stability in Liberia when aggrieved individuals and institutions are treated with indifference by people in authority.
“If the peace and stability which Liberia has enjoyed over the years are to be sustained, it is imperative that all residents of the country and organizations including the NEC adhere to the rule of law. Liberia cannot be a place of might but a country of law and order, “ALJA emphasized.
The association said compliance with the rule of law is critical for the sustenance of democracy in any society because it lays the foundation for good governance, political stability, quietude, and national development.
“No country the world over thrives when the rule of law is sidestepped by its citizens and leaders on the basis of personal egos and greed,” it stressed.
Meanwhile, ALJA has condemned in the strongest term the November 5 attack on the home of Associate Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh.
ALJA, who secretary general is Charles Crawford, said the reported attack which was executed by some unknown individuals during the evening hours is troubling.
The association observed that the reported stoning of Associate Justice Youh’s home under the cover of darkness was a cowardly act which was meant to intimidate and cow her, Liberian judges, and lawyers in the performance of their legal and national duties.
ALJA called on the Liberia National Police (LNP) to exert all efforts in bringing the culprits of such heinous act to justice with immediacy, the press released concluded.