Liberia: A call for creation of job opportunities

By Draper C. Tolborh Sr.
The chief executive officer (CEO) of Dowein Agriculture Development Project (DADP) Anthony P. Cooper has called on the Government of Liberia to create more job opportunities to enable Liberians make ends meet.
He said “job creation is a crucial aspect of any flourishing economy. It is the groundwork of a society’s growth and development.
“In the current economic climate, job creation has become more vital than ever. With the pandemic causing prevalent job losses worldwide, the need for job creation has become more persistent globally.
“It is essential to understand the significance of job creation in today’s economy of our country Liberia; there are various factors that contribute to employment”.
Cooper stressed that “since Job creation is a vital tool for economic development and when more people are employed, it leads to amplified customers spending, which, in turn, fuels economic progression. It also produces more tax revenue for the government, which could be used to fund public services like healthcare, education etc.”
He added that “One of the main reasons for job opportunity is to reduce poverty. When people have jobs, they have stable wages, which permit them to upkeep themselves, their families and friends.
“It reduces their dependence on government assistance and other forms of aid. It also helps to increase their standard of living and provides them with a sense of dignity and self-esteem”.
Cooper highlighted that job opportunities strengthen communities by providing stability and economic security. They help to reduce crimes and other societal problems associated with poverty.
The DADP CEO of underscored that “Agriculture is the most comprehensive word used to symbolize the many ways in which crop, plants and domestic animals to sustain the global human population by providing food and other products. It is time for the government to act now because agriculture will pave the way for more job opportunities”
He said as a son of Grand Bassa County and the CEO of Dowein Agriculture Development Project, he is trying his best to create job opportunities for over 15,000 individuals in the three electoral districts of the county by 2026.
“Since labor is more than a factor of production, it is an essential element of any development process; Dowein Agriculture Development Project is of no exception. With over 75 employees now, plans are on the way for expansion and to increase the work force,” Cooper noted.
He pointed out that “currently the project has two sites in Timbo’s Town, Whehkpee’s Town and two VISHNU sugar cane juicer machine with 10-horse power each are used for the production of the juice, the value for one is US$5,000. But the total value of the entire project is US$50,000.”
CEO Cooper called on inhabitants of other districts to get involved into agricultural, mainly sugarcane farming which he considered a fast money maker to make ends meet.
He added that “when people have jobs, they are more likely to receive training and development opportunities, which help them to improve their skills and knowledge”.
Cooper, who currently resides in the United States. was born on March 1, 1976 on the Liberian Agriculture Company Plantation.
He got his primary education at Alamino elementary school, LAC School System in Grand Bassa County and his secondary education at the Ocean View Christian Academy in Monrovia, the Liberian capital.