Africa’s 1st petroleum management program

This International Petroleum Management Program (IPMP) is an industry reference and has been specially designed for leaders of international oil companies, national oil companies, services companies, law firms and government agencies in addition to individuals with background in engineering, economics, geology, finance, law, accounting and corporate planning.
It is based on the internationally renowned course delivered by Prof. Krishan A. Malik, and is a result of over three decades of experience and training, which has been delivered to over 250 CEO’s and leaders of national and international oil companies, government officials, private and public institutions from the four corners of the globe.
“The oil and gas industry is the backbone of most African economies and will continue to be for a long time. While we keep working with all players to unleash the full benefit of oil to Africans, training and developing executives is key as preparation prevents frustration. We have an obligation to develop African executives to be competitive with their international counterparts. This is a global industry. As the voice of the African energy sector, it is natural that we lead on this,” said Nj Ayuk, Executive Chairman at the Chamber and CEO of the Centurion Law Group.
Alumni of this program have had distinguished careers with ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, China National Offshore Oil Corp, Egyptian General Petroleum Corp, Nigerian National Petroleum Corp., Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, GAZPROM, PETROBRAS, PETRONAS, National Enterprise for Hydrocarbons (Mozambique), National Oil Corporation of Kenya, Anadarko among others.
“Given the exclusive opportunity of presenting this program on the African continent for the first time, it is all natural that Centurion would be a legal partner of this initiative,” declared Glenda Irvine-Smith, Director of Business Development & International Relations at the Centurion Law Group.
Registered participants represent companies operating in Algeria, Angola Cameroon, Chad Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, South Sudan, Uganda, Ghana, Namibia, Gabon, Ghana, Libya, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa and Sudan.