A Swedish aviation strategy

Minister for Infrastructure Anna Johansson interviewed by media during the release of the government’s aviation strategy.
Photo: Maria Nilsson/Government Offices.
“Aviation plays an important role in helping to meet the needs regarding long-distance travel, but at the same time we must take further action to reduce aviation’s adverse environmental and climate and impact. All measures that we take must be carried out in a coherent fashion so as to achieve the best possible results,” says Johansson.
The government’s continued aviation efforts will be based on the seven focus areas presented in the strategy and the starting points and priorities highlighted in each focus area. The seven focus areas are: accessibility in Sweden and internationally; strengthening Arlanda Airport as a hub and major airport; reducing the environmental climate impact of aviation; a high level of aviation safety with goal-based regulations; fair conditions and healthy competition; a nation with strong research and an innovative aviation industry; and increased exports of Swedish goods and services.
” Arlanda Airport will be the leading major airport in the Nordic region. This is why it is very important that we quickly begin efforts to develop Arlanda Airport in a way that is sustainable in the long term. The government will therefore appoint an ‘Arlanda Airport council’ to draw up a strategic roadmap for Arlanda Airport’s long-term development. The smaller regional airports are also important in the transport system, and a review of their role and prospects must also be carried out,” she adds.
Another important area of the aviation strategy is the issue of decent conditions and healthy competition in the aviation industry. The government will continue to work to ensure that clear regulations and healthy competition guide legislation in the transport sector, and that this results in improved working conditions throughout the EU.
The government’s aviation strategy has been drawn up in dialogue with public authorities, the aviation industry and other stakeholders affected by the strategy. Dialogue and cooperation will remain important elements in the work ahead to achieve the strategy’s objectives.
Source: Swedish Government