Liberia: Lewis Brown got the nerves!

Ms. Washington highlights the hypocrisy in remarks made recently by Liberia’s information minister Lewis Brown
Let Liberians sit down and joke with this thing while generations of “outclass” Liberians continue to be disrespected, disenfranchised and marginalized in their own Country.
After initiating the massive division of our people, drugging our kids and turning them into killing machines, now they are being referred to as ignorant and uneducated 17 year-olds holding placards for politicians.
Really Lewis Brown? At least 37 % of Liberia’s children were child soldiers. For whom were they fighting? While our children were fighting the war for Ellen and cohorts, losing their limbs and lives and turning into druggies, the children of Ellen and cohorts were in Europe, America and the sub-region (Ghana) and other places going to school and simply being kids at the expense of the rest of us, while their parents looted the national coffers. Today our children are useless in their eyes.
Massa Washington, the writer of the piece, served on Liberia’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission