Investment forum for three West African countries
Three West African nations are expected to participate in a one-day trade and investment conference on Monday organized by Holland’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in The Hague. The Dutch conference with Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone is a follow-up to the July 6-9 visit of a high-level Dutch trade delegation to the three Mano River Union […]
Sweden tightens screws on migration
In the worst refugee situation since the Second World War, Sweden has taken greater responsibility than any other country in the west. We are a small country that is making an enormous contribution and the Swedish people are showing great solidarity in a difficult time. We stand up for the international right of asylum. Since […]
Unmasking Mary Taryonnoh Broh
A bolt from the blue: This best depicts Mary Taryonnoh Broh’s re-emergence into the national scene after she was named to head the so-called Presidential Task Force with a mandate to clean up the city of Monrovia. The name of Mary Broh is nothing new to the Liberian public, especially since that name is […]
Tough requirements for family reunifications
The Finnish Government is intent on restricting the possibilities of successful asylum seekers to bring their families to Finland. An agreement on the introduction of more rigorous criteria on family reunifications was reached already in the coalition negotiations, but the ballooning number of asylum seekers has added a new sense of urgency to the plans. […]
Liberia: Journalists want task force disbanded
The Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas (ALJA) is urging the Liberian government to dissolve the Mary Broh Special Task Force recently constituted for the cleaning and beautification of the City of Monrovia. According to media report, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf set-up the Mary Broh Special Task Force recently with the mandate of keeping the […]
Sweden backs resolution against Islamic State
Sweden supports the United Nations Security Council’s resolution on ISIL and believes that through it the international community agrees to enhance efforts to prevent and suppress the activities of the terrorist group, Foreign Minister Margot Wallström has said. In a statement issued on Saturday, she added that “In the fight against terrorism, it is vital to […]
Liberians protest at VP dinner in USA
A dinner tendered here late last October, in honor of Liberia’s vice president Joseph N. Boikai didn’t pass without a drama as a small group of Liberian immigrant protesters showed up at the Passion Event Center in Fridley, Minnesota, the site of the event, to protest against bad governance in their country, Liberia; James Kokulo […]
Africa’s ‘best and brightest minds’ gather
The best and brightest minds from across Africa will be gathering in Maputo, Mozambique from 24-26 November for the Africa 2.0 Annual Leadership Symposium. This year marks the five year anniversary for Africa 2.0. Africa 2.0 is a pan-African civil society organisation providing a platform for emerging and established African leaders to drive forward the transformation […]
Sweden adopts anti-terrorism measures
On 19 November, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven presented more measures to combat terrorism in Sweden. These measures focus on giving government agencies a new tool for information gathering, biometric passport controls and considering camera surveillance for buildings where there is a general threat and for particularly vulnerable places: Secret data interception The Government will task […]
‘World leaders must look for peace’
The chairman and national coordinator of the Nigeria’s ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) Scandinavia Chapter Ayoola Lawal has strongly condemned Friday’s coordinated extremist attacks in Paris, France and called on world leaders to urgently look for peace in the wake of senseless killings across continents. In a statement released in Stockholm, Sweden over the weekend, Mr. Lawal said “if the extremists […]