AMEU President: Liberia must prioritize higher education

The President of the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) Dr. Joseph Isaac is calling for higher education to be prioritized to allow graduates to contribute positively to the socio-economic, technological and developmental advancement of the Liberian society. Dr. Isaac said the higher education section of Liberia must include professional and academic experts into the system […]

Empower women to help save Africa from climate change

Africa must unlock the power of its women and girls if it is to adapt to climate change, cope with disasters and build its green energy sector. That is the message from African delegates as the world prepares to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change in Katowice, Poland, this week. Research shows that when […]

Norway’s statement at UN Climate Confab in Poland

Mr. President, Heads of States and Governments, Indigenous Peoples delegations, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. The signal given from the IPCC special report on 1,5 degrees is loud and clear: the target is still within reach, but the coming years are critical.  We must increase our ambitions by 2020. If not, the goal of the Paris […]

SGI Dubai 2019: Driving digital signage in Africa

  With the advancement in display technologies, the evolution of LCD, LED, OLED, and super AMOLED, Africa’s digital signage industry is set to grow leaps and bounds.  Several countries in Africa are looking at expanding their retail infrastructure, the healthcare and also the hospitality industries, which in turn will require the latest in digital signage. […]

Liberia, UK sign maritime agreement

The Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA) and the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) have signed an agreement that, among others, strengthens Liberia’s role as a leading and competitive maritime nation. The Agreement for Cooperation was finalised by the two institutions on the margins of the recent 121st session of the World Maritime Organization (WMO) in London. […]

African countries must leverage their strengths

Participants to the 13th African Economic Conference taking place in Kigali, the Rwandan capital, have called for African countries to leverage the full range of their strengths and resources to accelerate the region’s drive towards continental integration. Themed “Regional and Continental Integration for Africa’s Development” the 2018 AEC, jointly organized by the United Nations Development […]

Swedish Forum: Freedoms under attack in East Africa

There is democratic progress in many African countries, but we also see increasing threats against journalists, researchers and civil society. A recent panel at the Swedish Forum for Human Rights discussed the worrying signs of shrinking democratic space in East Africa.

Sweden positive to EU long-term climate strategy

The European Commission has presented it strategic long-term climate vision for the European Union (EU). Sweden takes a positive view of the level of ambition in the strategy, with its aim of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The proposed EU strategic long-term climate vision contains scenarios showing how different sectors of society can contribute […]

War crime victims dare to hope for justice

It was two nights before Christmas in 2013 in a suburb of Bangui, the capital of Central African Republic. All Claire’s grandchildren were gathered in her house, playing, seemingly safe from the horrors outside. On the streets, brutal fighting between Muslim Séléka rebels and Christian anti-balaka vigilante groups had been raging since the rebellion began […]

Tanzania: Social monitoring could hinder radicalisation

In its efforts to reach grass roots for political mobilisation after independence, the government of Tanzania organised communities in smaller units. According to Richard Sambaiga, guest researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI), this form of social control also detected security threats at an early stage. After independence in 1961, the Tanzanian government intended to […]