President Weah’s full speech at conference in Japan

I bring you greetings from the People of Liberia. Let me begin by extending sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, and the Government and people of Japan, for the warm hospitality accorded me and my delegation since our arrival in this beautiful country. It is indeed my pleasure […]
Science and technology critical for Africa

Science, technology and innovation as well as human resource development are critical in Africa, a continent, which has the biggest potential on earth, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said at the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum held in Yokohama, Japan on Wednesday, as part of Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7). […]
President Weah promises to uphold gender equality

Liberian President George Manneh Weah has once again reiterated his commitment to the promotion and protection of women and girls against sexual gender-based violence and gender inequality. President Weah made the pledge at his office when he received a petition from women who reportedly represented ten civil society organizations. The women through their designated speaker, […]
A look at Liberia’s traditional Poro and Sande College

Long, long, time ago, in the beginning which has no beginning, there was the Poro and Sande College (PSC). And so it was on that the PSC became the receptacle of knowledge and wisdom of all creation. From north to south of the Saharan, from West to East of the Sahara, the PSC is a […]
Wleh: Liberia should open embassy in Sweden

The former president of the European Federation of Liberian Associations (EFLA) has called for the opening of a Liberian embassy in Sweden. Kingston Wleh spoke on Saturday during programs marking the 172nd independence anniversary of Liberia held in the Swedish capital, Stockholm.He noted that with an embassy in Sweden, Liberians living in the country will not have […]
Senegal’s energised renaissance

After decades of struggles against a deficient power generation system, Senegal is now at the verge of a paradigmatic shift that could put many of its troubles to rest, writes Sebastian Wagner. With the government’s bet in recent years in new power generation facilities, power outages have greatly diminished, system reliability has improved and with […]
Weah to Liberian diaspora: come home and invest

Liberian President George Weah is calling on Liberians in the diaspora to return home and invest in their country. He said by coming home and doing business, they will help the economy of the country to grow. In a recent interview with veteran Kenyan journalist and Talkshow host Jeff Koinange, President Weah said that in […]
Why disaster readiness is critical for Africa

Five months ago, Cyclone Idai ripped through the Southern African region, causing a massive humanitarian disaster that affected three million people. More than a thousand perished, while 200,000 lost their homes, many of whom are still to this day living in refugee camps. Economic losses were estimated at more than $1 billion across the affected […]
Liberia at 172: What are we celebrating?

Liberia, by any standard, is a blessed nation. With abundant natural resources, talented population, good climate, you wonder why it is occupying the unenviable position it is amongst the countries of the world after the post-Independence brief spell as an internationally acclaimed African country, Seltue Karweaye writes. Liberia has more natural resources than most emerging […]
Norway continues to assist DR Congo ebola victims

“The Ebola outbreak in DR Congo is serious. We are therefore sending equipment and a team of experts to the country,” Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Soreide has said. Earlier this week, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo a global health emergency. The outbreak […]