Indigenous owners of Papua Guinea killed by Indonesia

It is a crime against humanity to play down the Western powers and co-opted Indonesian imperialism war being waged against the indigenous Black people, the true owners of Papua Guinea while misleading the world on the true narrative about the suffering of indigenous Black people, writes Nafshiyah Ndahimana. In an article published on the BBC website […]
Sweden to make it easier for foreign students to stay

The Swedish government will soon present a bill to the country’s parliament, Riksdag, containing proposals for new rules on residence permit for research and higher education studies. The proposals will implement the European Union’s ‘Students and Researchers Directive’. An important aim of the proposals is to attract more students, researchers and other highly qualified people […]
Niger President to address global conference in Greece

Niger President Mahamadou Issoufou will serve as a keynote speaker of this year’s Rhodes Forum, the flagship global affairs conference of the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC). The 17th Rhodes Forum – titled “Global (dis)order: Towards dialogue-based worldviews” – takes place on 11-12 October in Rhodes, Greece. President Issoufou will share an African perspective […]
Sweden: More money to promote gender equality

The Swedish government has previously planned SEK 290 million ($ 29.8m) for the implementation of gender equality policy in 2020, of which the majority will go to measures to prevent and combat men’s violence against women and honour-related violence and oppression. The government is now proposing an extra SEK 155 million ($15.9m). The investment is […]
Norway funds school meals in Mali

Funding from Norway will be used to provide nutritious school meals to some 55 000 children in conflict-torn Mali. ‘Malnourished children have problems learning, no matter how good the teaching is. If children are given school meals, their parents are more likely to send them to school. This in turn helps to promote stability in […]
Chapter backs members contesting ALJA elections

The Midwest Chapter of the Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas (ALJA) has agreed to support three of its active members who have all declared their intention to vie for various positions in the forthcoming ALJA general and presidential elections. Elections are expected take place on October 5 in the US. Those vying for […]
New report addresses issue of African jobs

Innovative thinking about Africa’s conventional employment issues is what marks the African Development Bank’s new policy research document “Creating Decent Jobs: Strategies, Policies, and Instruments,” participants heard at the report launch, held on September 12 in Abidjan, the Ivory Coast. The report elicited strong presentations and a lively debate during the event which took place […]
UK agrees trade continuity with six African nations

The United Kingdom (UK) on Tuesday initialed an Economic Partnership Agreement with the Southern African Customs Union and Mozambique (SACU+M) that will allow business to keep trading freely after Brexit. This marks the end of formal trade discussions and the UK-SACU+M Economic Partnership Agreement will be subject to final checks before it is formally signed. The […]
France: Liberian war crimes suspect released

A Liberian war crimes suspect known as Kunti K., who was in pre-trial detention in Paris, France on suspicion of crimes against humanity and torture, was released at the end of last week due to a procedural error. Kunti K., a former rebel commander, is subject to conditions of release, including being prohibited from leaving […]
‘We aim to become more visible on African continent’

“We aim to become even more visible in Sweden, on the African continent and in countries that finance the institute’s research,” says Therese Sjömander Magnusson, incoming director of the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI). Sjömander Magnusson, who will take up her position on 1 October, comes from the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), where she has […]