Belgian lawyer for Liberian war crimes victims speaks

On 19th September 2014, it was reported that Martina Johnson had been arrested in Belgium on suspicion of having committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the armed conflict in Liberia in the 1990s. Johnson was the head of the heavy artillery unit for the rebel group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL). Lead […]
Liberia’s Justice Minister resigns

Liberian Justice Minister Cllr. Christiana Tah said she felt a big relief, dumping a big weight off her shoulders Monday as she announced her long-anticipated exit from the government of President Ellen-Johnson-Sirleaf. The exit came as a blow to the Liberian government currently in the middle of a major health epidemic which has so far […]
Ambassador Allen presents credentials to UNESCO

Liberia’s Ambassador to France Dr. C. William Allen has presented his credentials to the director general of UNESCO accrediting him as Liberia’s ambassador and permanent delegate to that body. Director General Irina Bokova welcomed Dr. Allen to UNESCO and expressed her concern about the dire Ebola situation Liberia is confronting. Mrs Bokova committed herself to the […]
Löfven elected Sweden’s new prime minister

Stefan Löfven, the leader of the Social Democrats, was elected Sweden’s prime minister this afternoon in the Swedish Parliament, with support of his coalition partner, the Green Party. The four parties of the Alliance: the conservative Moderates, the Christian Democrats, the Liberals and the Center party, who had formed the previous center-right government, abstained from […]
Hard times for UK asylum seekers

Last month, a quiet announcement from UK Home Secretary Theresa May dashed the hopes of thousands of asylum seekers in the UK. A court ruling in April had criticized the very low level of support it gives to those seeking asylum and had given her four months to show how she had calculated that it […]
Liberian police officers quarantine ends

About 90 Liberian police officers along with their families have been released from a quarantine put on them after an outbreak of Ebola in the barracks in which they reside in the capital, Monrovia. Among those quarantine for one month in the Police Barracks were high ranking police officers. The wife of one of their officers have earlier […]
Leaders urge Egypt to free Al Jazeera journalists

World leaders at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) have highlighted the importance of press freedom and called on Egypt to release the three jailed Al Jazeera staff. The wrongful imprisonment of Baher Mohamed, Peter Greste and Mohammed Fahmy was raised by US President Obama in his first meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah […]
Sweden arrests two Rwandan genocide suspects

A Swede of Rwandan origin and a Rwandan national were held in custody Wednesday in Sweden under suspicion of involvement in the African country’s 1994 genocide, prosecutors said. “Two men have been arrested and are being questioned. They are suspected of participating in the genocide,” Tora Holst, prosecutor in charge of the probe, told AFP. […]
War crime arrest major step for justice

The Belgian authorities’ arrest of a Liberian for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity during Liberia’s first civil war is a major advance for justice. It is the first arrest for crimes that violate international law committed during the conflict in Liberia from 1989 to 1996, which left tens of thousands dead. On September […]
Sweden goes to the polls

Sweden is expected to vote the Social Democrats back into power in general elections Sunday,according to the latest polls, while the anti-immigration nationalist right is likely to make historic gains. Stefan Löfven, the stocky leader of the Social Democrats, looks set to become the next prime minister for the nearly 10 million Swedes, probably in a […]