Gabon to host pan-African economic forum

The 4th edition of the New York Forum AFRICA, the only pan-African economic forum to be held in Africa in 2015, will bring together more than 1500 business and political leaders on May 29-31 2015 in Libreville, Gabon. The theme for NYFA 2015, organized under the high patronage of Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of the Gabonese […]
Resolution of EFLA Conference in Holland

RESOLUTION ADOPTED AT THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF LIBERIAN ASSOCIATIONS (EFLA) FACE to FACE CONFERENCE IN UTRECHT, NETHERLANDS on 29TH NOVEMBER 2014 WHEREAS, Liberians residing in Europe representing various Liberian organizations as well as Friends of Liberia participated in the European Federation of Liberian Associations (EFLA) Face to Face Meeting held in Utrecht, The Netherlands on […]
Buhari is the best for Nigeria

The victory of Gen. Muhammad Buhari at the just concluded 3rd All Progressives Congress (APC) convention is a very good omen for the APC and the entire nation. This is a very indication that comes next year, Nigerians will start to see and experience the very real and vibrate Nigeria of their dream. The man of […]
Join global gender equality campaign

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of the United Nations’ gender equality body, UN Women, are urging the EU heads of state and government to join the global UN-led campaign ‘HeForShe’. In a joint letter they are encouraging leaders to manifest their participation at the European Council on 18 and 19 […]
Central Bank Governor calls for strong leaders

Liberia’s Central Bank Governor says there is a need for strong selfless leadership and a bold vision to transform the country’s economy. Dr. Joseph Mills Jones said it is now time for the country to take appropriate measures to rebuild itself and grow an inclusive economy driven by Liberians- one, he said, that creates opportunity for […]
AU, ECOWAS beef up Ebola fight

Seventy four (74) Nigerian nurses and doctors arrived in Liberia on Friday to beef up the African Union’s Ebola response in Liberia. The Nigerian healthcare workers, predominantly female nurses, are to staff Ebola Treatment Units (ETU’s) in Liberia’s interior, where there are pockets of outbreak of the deadly disease. Major General Dr. Julius F. Oketta, […]
Liberian opposition party defies presidential order

The Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) considers Executive Order #65 issued by the President of Liberia as unconstitutional, arbitrary and counter-productive. The CDC observes that an Executive Order cannot override or abrogate a provision of the constitution, except during a State of Emergency, which no longer exists. Hence, her decision to issue an Executive Order […]
Liberia: President’s son sues government

Montserrado County senatorial candidate Robert Allen Sirleaf Friday sued the Liberian Government for the issuance of Executive Order 65, prohibiting political rallies throughout Monrovia, the capital, in the wake of the Ebola crisis. The state-owned Liberia News Agency, quoting a special statement Mr. Sirleaf issued in Monrovia late Friday, said his Campaign had “directed its lawyers […]
APC Scandinavia concerned about insecurity in Nigeria

The All Progressives Congress (APC) chapter in Scandinavia has described last Friday’s bomb attacks in the Nigerian city of Kano as a grim reminder of the alarming level of insecurity in the West African country and another pointer that nobody is really safe anymore in Nigeria. Friday’s triple bombings at the city’s Central Mosque resulted into the deaths of […]
Tanzania will not evict Massai from their land

The government of United Republic of Tanzania has never had any plan to evict the Maasai people from their ancestral land as falsely reported by the media in recent days. The information circulated through the media outlets globally was misleading, malicious and meant to tarnish the image of our country and her international standing. The […]