Sierra Leone: Flavour was not supposed to die

It’s raining in Freetown and the traffic is, as usual, slow on the road through Congo Town towards Kroo Town Road. The radio announcer is going through the obituaries in a solemn, deliberate monotone, the names different, the pattern the same: Mr John Koroma of Kissy Town passed away on said date leaving said relatives […]
Sweden’s vision for eHealth

Vision for eHealth 2025: In 2025, Sweden will be best in the world at using the opportunities offered by digitisation and eHealth to make it easier for people to achieve good and equal health and welfare, and to develop and strengthen their own resources for increased independence and participation in the life of society. Digitisation […]
The blame game in Liberia’s academic arena

When students failed massively in the West African Examination Council (WAEC)-administered Liberia Senior High Certificate Examination or the entrance and placement test of the state-run University of Liberia in consecutive years recently, public opinion apportioned the greatest blame for the failure to the students. Public outcry has been that students failed because the children in […]
A Call For New Liberian Leader

Introduction Liberians eagerly look forward to another national elections through the ballot box in 2017- a democratic process that ushers in a new leader. Debate about what kind of leadership the country needs is significant for constructive progress. Over the years, we have heard and seen the acrimonious manner and ways in which some politicians […]
We do not support Vice President Boakai

On the 18th of July 2016, a supposed delegation of the Global Grand Gedeans headed by Mr Amos Zleh gave a statement of support to Dr Joseph N Boakai for his presidential bid in the up-coming 2017 elections in Liberia. Mr Zleh, who is based in the United Kingdom and pose as chairman of the […]
Liberia at 169, a sad story

Liberia, by any standard, is a blessed nation. With abundant natural resources, talented population, good climate, you wonder why it is occupying the unenviable position it is today amongst the countries of the world after the post-Independence brief spell as an internationally acclaimed African country; Seltue Karweaye writes. Liberia has more natural resources than most […]
Double standards shape refugee policy

The Kenyan government threatens to close the largest refugee camp in the world. Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) researcher Sirkku Hellsten hopes this will trigger a serious discussion among EU and UN policy makers about general responsibilities on refugee issues. So far this has not been the case. if almost half a million people are forced to […]
Sweden elected to UN Security Council

On Tuesday Sweden was convincingly elected to the United Nations Security Council. Six months ago we were considered to be out of the running. Today we have a seat on the Security Council. This is a great victory for Swedish foreign policy and Swedish diplomacy. For a government that stands for solidarity and cooperation, a […]
Kompass: Why I resigned from the UN

By the time I reported the sexual abuse of children by peacekeepers in Central African Republic in 2014, I had worked for the UN for nearly 20 years; writes Anders Kompass There is no hierarchy in the horror and brutality I witnessed during those two decades – massacres, torture, killings, the displacement of populations – but an […]
First Generation to eradicate poverty

The last decades hundreds of millions of people have left extreme poverty. Today more than 90 percent of all children are enrolled in school, even in developing countries. Thanks to digitalization we are more closely interconnected with each other than ever before. Knowledge and ideas flow throughout the world and transcend all previous boundaries. At […]