The Curse of Leadership in Liberia: A Review of the Legislature in Post Conflict Liberia

For any society to prosper, it needs to have a government to run its affairs. The government helps to sustain the social contract that binds every member of the state. Thus, the price that is paid for a state to be prosperous is for it to have an established government that enforces the social […]
Florida Teen Becomes Youngest To Pass UK Bar Exam

If you thought a 14-year-old set to graduate from Chicago State University with a degree in Psychology was an amazing feat, wait until you hear about this next teenager making history. 18-year-old Gabrielle Turnquest recently became the youngest person to pass the bar exam in the UK. “I am honored to be the youngest […]
Finland The Third Most Expensive EU Country

Denmark is the most expensive EU country, reveal statistics published by Statistics Denmark. On average, prices are 41 per cent higher in Denmark than in the EU. Particularly pricy are groceries. Finns have no reason to rejoice either; Finland shared third place on the list of the EU’s most expensive countries with Luxembourg. In Finland, […]